Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008

Expectations vs. Understanding

This past week I ran into a difficult customer. After working with the fellow for over a year and a half (not personally, but I have been part of the car deal all along) there was a misunderstanding. We finally found the last vehicle in the country that met his needs, flew a great distance to pick it up, and made literally nothing on the car deal. We were in fact, just trying to get another number on the board towards our objective. After all that, as the customer came out to see the vehicle, something happened. We still aren't sure what happened exactly. But after all that effort, he felt that we weren't trusting of him and he decided that this wasn't going to be his car. I've been there before. In fact I know we all have. So I just pleaded with him, and begged him to reconsider. It was to no avail. HE said that we were just done. I told him that I would earnestly pray about the situation. I prayed that the situation would be resolved, either way. And that I would understand the overall plan.

The next day, his old truck would not start. He was stranded at home. HE called the salesman, and asked if we could come pick him up. We gladly obliged.

Today, a vendor came in that normally shares her faith with us. I began to tell her the story about what happened. She really enjoyed the story, and told me about the prayer of Jabez. I did in fact already know about that prayer, but I told her that I disagreed with her. I don't want to step on any toes, but I know a few people that pray that prayer. I'm not saying that it is wrong to pray that, but I have seen it take a somewhat mutated existence. In the context of what happened to me, I wasn't praying that the customer would in fact take the vehicle in question, thereby "increasing my territory." I prayed that I would understand why the decision was made, either way. The prayer of Jabez speaks of enlarging one's territory. And that's where the mix up often occurs. Many people that I speak with refer to the prayer as a way to gain favor for material gain. By "enlarging one's territory," it means make them more spirtitually responsible, not to get more stuff. If I pray for material gain, I feel that I am wasting my time with the Lord. I should spend that time praising him, and asking for help with more important matters. Material gain, to me, is a byproduct of doing what is expected of me as a Christian. I asked for understanding, as opposed to the sale. Because I could have forced the sale, and lost so much more. Who knows, maybe we would have sold the vehicle to a family in need. It just so happens that the vehicle in question was intended for the fellow in the story. Maybe I had to do some maturing over night. Maybe he had a tough decision to make that evening. Or maybe this is the whole reason I'm writing this little blurb. The point I am trying to make is that the prayer of Jabez is a good prayer. Just be careful, and think about what you're praying for. Instead, try to pray for understanding, that way, you will never be let down.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Updates 8.17.08

Well, where do I start. For those of you that knew him, Turbo, our beloved cat left us about a year ago. Torque, our new orange tabby, has some pretty big shoes to fill. But I think he'll do alright. R3 is even having fun with him. We also became guardians of a neat little RV we have been given custody of. Basically, If I maintain it, we get to use it as we wish. We spent a wonderful weekend in it a week ago. Stormed nearly the entire time we were at McMurtry, but it was great. The best camping typically happens in in-climate weather. That's my expirience, anyway. Let's see... Oh yeah, in case you haven't heard, my transformation to full-fledge Otaku is nearing completion. I finished hacking my XBox into a sweet little hub for my home theater that lets me tune into internet radio stations, watch internet video, and watch/listen to media stored on my Mac. I may be a few years behind, but it still was a feat. I also achieved 7th Kyu at my Dojo. I'm still a white belt, but I'm working on that. Speaking of which, if you take the Stillwater NewsPress, my instructor had an article in the new "Business Unusual." That's about it. Just giving a quick update is all.

Friday, June 06, 2008

The nuclear cockroach.

I was thinking today...

If I can survive the current North American automotive market, the Union strikes, a lack of cohesiveness in the workplace, a new computer switch over, the rising cost of energy (especially fuel related oil products), the recession, the current attitude at work, a glut of large vehicle inventory, a dearth of exciting small cars (from GM anyway), global warming, the ever increasing threat of war, and the cancelation of MXC, I may just be all right.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back Yard Campin'

I took R3 camping last night. It was a blast. We had a little fire going, made smores, and we slept out in a cabin tent. Well, he slept. The neighbors threw a block party from 1:30am to 4:30am. Anyway, R3 had a lot of fun, and we are ready for a lake excursion any time now.

Back Yard Camping

Click on the picture to see the rest of the pics.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The grass is always greener...

Things have not been going according to plan lately. It seems that I am running outta steam, getting confused over trivial things, and have many moral dilemmas about other things as well. It always makes things look greener on the other side. I know... The grass isn't always greener on the other side, but it just seems that way quite often. Physically I feel better since taking up Goju Ryu, but some of the buddhist roots bother me, even though little or none of the buddhist religion is even brought up. If anything, it's helping me become more devoted in my Bible studies due to increased focus. Work has not been easy either. I keep making bone headed mistakes. Correctable as they may be, they are still mistakes. I finally bought a car for my wife at auction, and when it gets back to the dealership the stupid thing has a huge dent in the side of it. I'm just getting sick of all the conflicts. Most people that know me, know that at one point I was headed to Saint Louis for a job in design. Long story short, I decided to stay in town and keep the family business going. I work like hell, do what I can, and always seem to come up short. Oh well. I found this little short on the Layers website, a must if you dig any part of the Adobe suite. It is a musical of the life of a digital grunt. Or "creative professional." This could have been my life. It doesn't seem that bad really. Of course this was my last two semesters at school, in a four minute clip, but this could have been every ingle day of my life. Anyway, I'm just sitting here venting. Enjoy the clip.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


As I slowly try to bring my life back to a balance, I have been researching the possibility of disciplines that may help bring things in line, in my life. My life has been somewhat globular in form. Work flows into my home, home into work, stress into the family room, and so and so fourth. One of the disciplines I was looking into was Shorei Kan Goju Ryu Karate do. Hide and I went to a class to watch and found it interesting. Like me, Hide has a few too many things on his plate as well. Sooo,  I went t a free class tonight and practiced to see what I thought. First lesson: I am way out of shape. Second lesson: This ain't no McDojo.  The Sensei is direct, informative, and very rigid (in a good way). I think this will bring alignment in my life that will hopefully bleed over into the rest of my ways. It sounds a bit daft, but I need more discipline even in my walk with God. Although I do everything with God in mind, I kind of just go with the flow. I need more confidence, focus, and borders in my life. I think I just may have found the ticket.